The Cape’s Community GardensEDIBLE CAPE COD

The Cape’s Community Gardens


“The popular year-old Community Children’s Garden is next to the Truro Library; it is the result of a partnership between Sustainable Cape, Truro Recreation and the Truro Library and consists of one big 16×16 garden. This garden is all about kids as it hosts an...
Truro Farmers’ Market Selling Out at Cape Cod’s Newest Farmers Market as National Farmers Market Week Kicks off August 3rdBy Gus SchumacherEXECUTIVE VP WHOLESOME WAVE

Truro Farmers’ Market Selling Out at Cape Cod’s Newest Farmers Market as National Farmers Market Week Kicks off August 3rd

By Gus Schumacher

By Gus Schumacher, Executive VP Wholesome Wave, August 6, 2013 My wife and I stopped by almost too late at Cape Cod’s newest farmers’ market in Truro on July 28th, as some 600 shoppers had already purchased most of the products by 11 am. Francie Randolph and her team...
Truro Farmers Update MA Agriculture Board Chairman, Frank Dabney, at Harvest New England Agricultural Marketing ConferenceBy Gus SchumacherEXECUTIVE VP WHOLESOME WAVE

Truro Farmers Update MA Agriculture Board Chairman, Frank Dabney, at Harvest New England Agricultural Marketing Conference

By Gus Schumacher

February 27, 2013 Founders of the new Truro Agriculture Fair, Randolph, Rein and DeWitt told Ag Board Chair Fred Dabney of the early success of the first new Massachusetts Ag Fair to be started in decades (in Truro), a fair which attracted some 7,500 visitors.  They...