Ptown Farmers’ Market Vendor Application Instructions
For Interested Vendors…
Thank you for your interest in selling at the Ptown Farmers’ Market! If you would like to sell your harvest at the Market, please read the literature below and fill out the relevant forms.
Simple Instructions:
1. Read the PFM-Handbook
2. Complete the Vendor Application. This is an online form, include applicable vendor fee with additional paperwork detailed below that you mail in. All other paperwork detailed below must be filled out and sent in to our mailing address or scanned and emailed to the Provincetown Farmers market manager at [email protected].
3. Complete the Token Program Agreement Form so you can accept tokens. Vendors who sell food to be prepared or consumed at home are eligible for this program. Vendors who sell food only to be consumed at the market are not eligible (per USDA rules).
4. Read the Additional Provincetown Board of Health Conditions and complete the following Provincetown Board of Health Application. DO NOT send directly to Board of Health. Please be sure to include required accompanying documentation:
- If you are a vendor of prepared/processed (or otherwise TCS qualifying) foods:
- Food Protection Manager certification (such as ServSafe)
- Allergen Awareness training certification
- Wholesale distribution license or local Board of Health license
- If you are a vendor of shellfish or finfish:
- DMF Retail Seafood Dealer Permit
5. Double-Check that you have filled out the online Vendor Application and mailed the Token Form, PLUS Board of Health forms depending upon what kinds of foods you wish to sell. Don’t forget the vendor fee check!
6. Mail forms & payment TO OUR ADDRESS below. DO NOT send materials directly to the Board of Health. If the Board of Health receives the information without our stamped approval, IT WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Thank you!
Ptown Farmers’ Market Manager
Jackie Opitz
Sustainable CAPE
PO Box 988
Truro, MA 02666
For further questions please email the Provincetown Farmers Market manager at [email protected].
P.S. For vendors interested in applying to both our Provincetown and Truro Educational Farmers’ Markets: New in 2024, we are streamlining the application process so you only need to complete a single form to apply to both markets. When completing the vendor application, you will be prompted to note interest in applying to the other market. While completion of separate Town Board of Health applications and market fees will be required, this process will reduce duplication of effort for market vendors.
Note: Our forms are updated online every year by March. All application materials have updated for the 2025 Season as of 3/3/2025.